⛈ Extreme Rain & Flood In Dubai #flood #UAE #Dubai #dubairains #badweather #dubaiweather #dubaiflood

10 months ago

⛈ Extreme Rain & Flood In Dubai 2024 #flood #UAE #Dubai #dubairains #badweather #dubaiweather #dubaiflood
United Arab Emirates,

Excessive cloud seeding in Dubai over the past seven days has resulted in the city experiencing a year's worth of rainfall in less than 24 hours. This unexpected deluge marks just the beginning of a series of massive storm clouds forecasted to pass over the UAE in the coming days. To those skeptical of the cloud seeding's impact, it's crucial to understand that seeding doesn't create clouds, but rather enhances existing ones, albeit with unpredictable outcomes regarding precipitation levels. In Dubai's arid landscape, the streets and drainage systems were overwhelmed, leaving cars and SUVs stranded, as the roads were turned into waterways that resemble the rivers more commonly found in the tropical landscape of Jamaica and Brazil. Even the airport has been severely damaged by flood waters. This stark contrast to Dubai's usual image of opulence and extravagance, should serve as a reminder of the vulnerabilities that lay beneath the surface of all nations and societies. Typically known as a playground for the wealthy, the city now grapples with the aftermath of nature's relentless force, challenging its resilience and highlighting the fragility of its infrastructure in the face of unforeseen events. Hopefully, this will be a lesson learned, and mankind will no longer, naively, try to out smart nature, or try to play god, by trying to control the weather.

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