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.... I noted Predatory as a means of denoting the industries attempting to take away the entire market from everyone with isn't a millionaire this is something I am absolutely against.

However upon consideration it seemed harsh language to use to call Trulieve predatory, although I do believe some of the things the do have been questionable in my experience.

I believe the entire market is predatory. Ppl think we just wait out turn, no we take.our turn, and demand the right to our turn.

How is this supposed to make.cannabis legal when the supposed Cannabis Elite have multi times over now,.like politicians PROOVEN themselves to be out for money not caring about as a name in my opinion by their actions in multiple instances. This isn't just Trulieve, there is a cannabis conglomerate of the "elite" who operate at the top of the industrial market. And they're not for the most part.thenOGs we know and used to get from. That age is sailed,.that was California, Colorado even to an extent. But now it is pop culture,.khalifa Kush, tenpenny this, snoop dog that, jay z weed in dubz which is funny AF, Tyson herb. Some of itnismlofical, Tyson, snoop, even khalifa maybe. But it's not them that ruining cannabis, they always smoked herb, and bought some.dides weed and kept.him sitting nice, but the Richie rich kids with family money that stomp all over what people want to see, and they do it by giving money money money. Paying money legally, and illegally and that isn't alleged that's PROOVEN.

So I may have sounded harsh saying predatory practices or inferring but bribery, is. Ifmotnis to not let a dispensary owner open a shop so u pay the mayor and police off, or what the situation was and I just made that up but this is money their sitting on high horses on social equity about, meanwhile what disproportionately effected people are selling weed at a lovable wage let alone millionaire stays..???

How many Marylanders and don't count the liscenceess because when u look at the market it's going to take a business genius to navigate and a financial whizz with money. Distillate and edibles ? That's allowed as a processor..... No Terpenes is all I can gather that is even all about the whole thing there.. synergistic interplay equals more medicinal effect possible, maybe
. But I have a hard time. convincing myself they were that in depth considering it.

That's all.......

Predatory harsh yes but 6states and an associate in prison paying off to step on locals. . . . .

Everything I say is based on my studies of news and current events.and my own subjective views.. industry is predatory to local business and to free business practice. Absolutely.
Don't want that out of context

u decide.


Yes that correct he is in prison on a three year sentence for attempting to operate a corruption scheme related to cannabis. He was specifically doing the same exact thing that they did here in Maryland and ran over every entrepreneur who created the weed they're now growing. These people were the Richie Richie's who sat in the back at cochela and called the law on the guys partying too hard. These are Karen's, I mean come.on l, Kim looks like a.karen
.... So let' the reality of cannabis industry and why I visited GrowWest and walked out of the Apothecarium today.
$Bloodshot Koala.

Advoc8 always

Meduc8 Daily

Don't break the law while your breaking the law ..... KIMMY IMPOSSIBLE

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