Wait...is the mRNA Vaccine THE VIRUS? - Wed, May 1st, 2024

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(2:06) Campus Wars — What's the REAL Agenda?
Radical Marxists destroying public/private property, defacing historical statues, threatening people — why is this SUDDENLY AN ISSUE when public & private funding of them was never questioned before?
Is this about the people of Gaza or the people of Israel or are they expendable?
Did Vietnam War protests help or hurt the cause of peace?
Johnson wants to repeat the mistakes of Kent State — Former Congressman Dennis Kucinich says FBI kicked off the Kent State shooting and shut down investigation
To their shame, "conservatives" are demanding a crackdown on free speech — is this about free speech? Should speech be a crime? Should hate speech be a crime? What crimes are being committed and being ignored?
"Anti-Semitism Monitors" to be put in by Dept of Education (because they have the leverage of fiat currency). They will never monitor Anti-American or Anti-White radicals
Traitor Mike Johnson REFUSED A PENNY FOR BORDER when he extended FISA in both time and scope of surveillance and extended foreign wars. Instruments of war abroad now used as weapons of tyranny at home as military Geospatial Intel surveillance tech is being used against Americans, paid for by the feds
(54:04) Biden Wants Palestinian Squatters
Traitor Mike Johnson quietly slipped $3.5 BILLION into the Israel bill for Biden's State Dept to BRING PALESTINIANS TO USA!
Jamaal (Fire Alarm) Bowman can't wait to bring more Palestinians to USA — maybe we can have several more Ilhan Omars in congress
"Supercharging Mass Migration from Middle East to USA" — countries we've been at war with, countries that were on Obama's list of enemies and terrorists
Gaza Pier "explodes in cost"
SecDef Austin lies with semantics about "boots on the ground" with the pier. Boots on the water?
(1:10:39) USDA Mission Creep — Using "Pandemic" Fear to Expand its Bureaucratic Empire & Ban Meat
Since FDA tested milk, found "bird flu" but said it didn't matter — why is USDA now testing ground beef?
Reuters says USDA is using the "gold standard PCR test". Give me a break
Wanted Dead or Alive — are viruses alive or dead? Are viruses real or a construct to explain disease?
Are mRNA "vaccines" viruses, by definition?
(1:32:04) Aussie cops lose vaccine mandate case
(1:33:52) Breitbart bemoans Biden closing PPE plant established by Trump Administration's abuse of Defense Preparedness Act that was also used to push ventilators. Is there a single principle left for conservatives that they won't jettison for partisan Trump support?

(1:41:06) The insane new "rules" from WHO — marching orders for medical martial law imposed globally with average of 6 uses of the word "shall" per page. How do we stop it? LOCALLY

(1:58:33) BlackRock — From ESG to Literal "Power Play" on the Grid
We have over 600 years of coal, at least, so USA joins with other G7 nations to CLOSE ALL COAL PLANTS WITHIN 10 YEARS
Will AI and government surveillance programs be able to survive without coal?
BlackRock CEO Larry Fink tells WEF how to profit from the destruction of cheap, available power
Will they switch to nuclear? Feds will sanction Russian uranium, a quarter of our supply. Will EPA or another bureaucracy stop domestic production?
(2:23:41) Financial
Forget NFT's and even Bitcoin — the yellow pad used to troll Janet Yellen over Bitcoin just sold for over $1 MILLION
Zimbabwe's new gold-backed currency, the ZiG, to replace their $1 TRILLION notes. Will it work?
China's wealth is falling as we see in the number of billionaires but social credit scores and the control they give is bigger than ever
(2:40:32) Abortion
Baby killed and discarded in the trash at university but RFK (like Trump and Biden) can't say abortion is murder. An interesting interview with RFK
Book asks if we can fix a culture that is hostile to raising children? A better phrasing of the question is what happens to a culture that loves money and self-indulgence more than children?
It's not just J6ers tortured in prison and given excessive punishment — look at what they did to this middle aged woman in the prison system

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