Fake Ass NASA Bullshit Continues Worldwide

10 months ago

Artificial Flavors & Beavers 🦫?

Have you ever wondered where artificial raspberry, vanilla or strawberry flavor comes from?
These are the dried perineal glands of the beaver. They contain castoreum — a food additive usually listed as ‘natural flavoring’ in the ingredient list. Castoreum is the exudate from the castor sacs of the mature North American Beaver, it is a yellowish secretion in combination with the beaver’s urine, used during scent marking of territory. In the USA, castoreum as a food additive is considered by the FDA to be generally recognized as safe, often referenced simply as a “natural flavoring” in products’ lists of ingredients. While it can be used in both foods and beverages as a vanilla, raspberry and strawberry flavoring.

Did you know that Dr Tenpenny did an extensive research project that she published in her weekly Substack called #EyeOnTheEvidence?

You can read it here: https://open.substack.com/pub/drtenpenny/p/natural-flavor-on-a-food-label


Extremely Important


Biden Inauguration Staged On 2 Different Days !!!


White Hat Treason


Ty and Charlene Bollinger - Vaccine 💉 Safety Advocates


Med Beds in The USA: Why the Silence? Details Of Med Bed Plans In The USA – Q & A about Med Beds – Proof Compilation!

Med Beds in the USA: Why the Silence?

The USA, the land of opportunity, innovation, and… silence? When it comes to Med Beds, there’s a hush that’s hard to ignore. These beds have the potential to change the healthcare industry, putting powerhouses out of business. Could Big Pharma be pulling the strings, suppressing the very technology that could end its dominion?


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Maui 🌺 Lawsuit Started : https://topclassactions.com/lawsuit-settlements/investigations/maui-fires-class-action-lawsuit-investigation/

White Hat PSYOPS



THEY used HEK 293 cells that are derived from aborted fetus', along with flouride - the endless poisons in the name of 'science' to keep crops 'growing.' To keep water safe, to keep the air safe, the airwaves safe - an endless pursuit of full control of the population.

By using the medical industry to comply vaccines be injected to new borns, the use of feminized cells has an unnatural effect. This has caused feminization of men for their end goal, depopulation and sterilization. Allowing them to expand their hybrids, clones & robot population.

Using adrenochrome as their supply taken from children that have been raped and tortured to elicit the highest levels of the adreno from the body.

They'd have Spirit Cooking events, which was how they would end up - eaten.

With the remains they would poison the food supply, the air, the water, each ingredient was masked with a name as 'natural flavors. '

By cutting off the supply, President Trump has put an end to their poisoning and abuse, removing these toxins and putting each and every pedophile FRONT and CENTER for the world to HEK 293 cells see,

My fellow Americans, HEX 293, HEK-29 293 cells, also on referred to as is precisely as HEX celi ad tam an aborted fetus the Storm is upon us……….

John F Kennedy Jr.
19th Vice President

WWG1WGA 💞🌹🕊🌍💫


Free Iron Thunderhorse Petition https://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/286/295/701/

Over 2000 missing Lahaina Children 👧!!!!!



Asshole Rabbi Abe Finkelstein
Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein : About making kids into hamburgers and hot dogs 🌭!!!!! WTF ?
1.) https://youtu.be/L0jLmRlYmyc?si=lrHt0bJMBs6um_d2


2.) Traitor Flynn. This is for the "I'll believe it when I see it" crowd. Everyone else smells the fart and leaves the area immediately. But somehow they need evidence of who passed gas when the whole room stinks while the person who farted hopes you don't think it was him.

Who is that in this instance? Michael Flynn.

Remember when Steve Bannon stole funds that was supposed to go to the border wall?

Remember when the army was requesting Michael Flynn to return 40k in foreign funds he got from Russia? Remember when Rudy Giuliani sent the metal pillars or scraps to China that were found during 9/11 to be discarded?

Did you know Donald Trump does not follow M. Flynn on Truth Social? Did you know M. Flynn was offered a polygraph to enter the Mar-A-Lago and declined when he showed up unannounced?

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