Basic Proof For Anons - Freemasons Bad

4 months ago

Trump is rumored to be Scottish Royalty so that might include wearing a special red Batman dinner jacket to go out on the Veranda and pee off the top of the watchman’s archery nest pillbox whiskey lounge. Occasionally if not forever.

Spy’s wear many costumes. Crazy people believe everything they see and hear.

Confirmed Epstein Island Visitors :

Here are the visitors to Jeffrey Epstein's island who were confirmed:

▪️Adam Perry Lang
▪️Al Gore
▪️Alan Dershowitz
▪️Albert Pinto
▪️Alee Baldwin
▪️Allison Mack
▪️Alyssa Rogers
▪️Anderson Cooper
▪️Andrea Mitrovich
▪️Andres Pastrana
▪️Angelina Jolie
▪️Anthony Kiedis
▪️Anthony Weiner
▪️Barack Obama
▪️Ben Affleck
▪️Bernie Sanders
▪️Bill Clinton
▪️Bill Gates
▪️Bob Saget (deceased)
▪️Bruce Willis
▪️Casey Wasserman
▪️Callum Hudson-Odoi
▪️Celine Dion
▪️Charles Barkley
▪️Charlie Sheen
▪️Charlize Theron
▪️Chelsea Handler
▪️Chris Tucker
▪️Chris Wagner
▪️Chrissy Teigen
▪️Cyndi Lauper
▪️Claire Hazel
▪️Courteney Cox
▪️Courtney Love
▪️Demi Moore
▪️Dan Schneider
▪️David Koch
▪️David Spade
▪️David Yarovesky
▪️Dolores Zorreguieta
▪️Donovan Mitchell
▪️Doug Band
▪️Drew Barrymore
▪️Ed Buck
▪️Ed Tuttle
▪️Ehud Barak
▪️Ellen DeGeneres
▪️Ellen Spencer
▪️Emmy Tayler
▪️Fleur Perry Lang
▪️Francis X. Suarez
▪️Freya Wissing
▪️Gary Roxburgh (pilot)
▪️George Clooney
▪️Ghislaine Maxwell
▪️Glenn Dubin
▪️Greg Holbert (deceased)
▪️Gwen Stefani
▪️Gwendolyn Beck
▪️Hank Coller (pilot)
▪️Heather Mann
▪️Heidi Klum
▪️Henry Rosovsky
▪️Hillary Clinton
▪️James Franco
▪️James Gunn
▪️Jean-Luc Brunel (deceased)
▪️Jean-Michel Gathy
▪️Jeffrey Jones (deceased)
▪️Jim Carrey
▪️Jimmy Kimmel
▪️Joe Biden
▪️Joe Pagano
▪️John Cusack
▪️John Legend
▪️John Podesta
▪️John Travolta
▪️Joy Behar
▪️Juan Pablo Molyneux
▪️Juliette Bryant
▪️Justin Roiland
▪️Justin Trudeau
▪️Kathy Griffin
▪️Katy Perry
▪️Kelly Spam
▪️Kevin Spacey
▪️Kirsten Gillibrand
▪️Kristy Rogers (deceased)
▪️Lady Gaga
▪️Larry Summers
▪️Larry Visoski (pilot)
▪️Laura Z. Wasserman
▪️Lawrence M. Krauss
▪️Linda Pinto
▪️Lisa Summers
▪️Lynn Forester de Rothchild
▪️Mandy Ellison (assistant)
▪️Mare Collins-Rector
▪️Marina Abramovic
▪️Mark Epstein
▪️Mark Lloyd
▪️Melinda Luntz
▪️Meryl Streep
▪️Michelle Obama
▪️Michelle Wolf
▪️Mikel Arteta
▪️Miley Cyrus
▪️Nadine Dorries
▪️Naomi Campbell
▪️Naomi Watts
▪️Natalie Blachon de Perrier
▪️Nicole Junkermann
▪️Olga Kurylenko
▪️Oliver Sacks
▪️Orlando Bloom
▪️Paris Hilton
▪️Patton Oswatt
▪️Paul Mellon
▪️Paula Epstein (deceased)
▪️Paula Hala
▪️Peter P. Marino
▪️Pharrell Williams
▪️Prince Andrew
▪️Prince Charles
▪️Quentin Tarantino
▪️Rachel Maddow
▪️Rainn Wilson
▪️Ralph Ellison
▪️Ray Barzana (pilot)
▪️Ricardo Legorreta Vilchis
▪️Rita Wilson
▪️Rob Reiner
▪️Robert DeNiro
▪️Robert Downey Jr.
▪️Rodney E. Slater
▪️Ronald Burkle
▪️Rudy Gobert
▪️Sander Burger
▪️Sarah Kellen (assistant)
▪️Sarah Silverman
▪️Seth Green
▪️Shelley Harrison
▪️Shelley Lewis
▪️Sophie Biddle-Hakim
▪️Sophie Trudeau
▪️Stephen Collins
▪️Stephen Colbert
▪️Steven Spielberg
▪️Steven Tyler
▪️Svetlana Glazunova
▪️Teala Davies
▪️Tiffany Gramza
▪️Tom Hanks
▪️Tom Pritzker
▪️Tyler Grasham (deceased)
▪️Victor Salva
▪️Wanda Sykes
▪️Whoopi Goldberg


Q World

United States was making loans to other Countries all
over the World during the Depression. In the early
1930's, the building of Germany's Infrastructure,
Railroads, Military, and funding for the Nazi Party
was financed by the “United States”, including
various other American Corporations and private
American investors, namely Prescott Bush, the grandfather of George W. Bush. 4 Note that Switzerland is never involved in these
fiascoes, because the “Bank of International
Settlements” is located in Zurich.

18) The etymology behind what we, today in the west,
would consider an innocuously ordinary,
internationally dispersed banking practice called
lending, is known within virtually every holy text
throughout the world, including the Bible, as 'usury'.
Usury is generally categorized as a predatory type act, or 'preying on those who are most vulnerable'. People within the banking and loan industry, however, more commonly refer to this practice as writing a loan or mortgage. The word 'mortgage' comes from the Latin conjunction 'morte-gage', which, in English, literally means: 'death-grip'.

19) The Federal Reserve was never legally ratified on
the floor of the house and senate, and is not a U.S.
government agency. It is a privately owned 'pyramid
scheme', perpetrated against Americans by a most
unethical group of world bankers, e.g. – J. P. Morgan,
Paul Warburg, and J. D. Rockefeller.

20) The Internal Revenue Service isn't a U.S.
government agency, but an agency of the
International Monetary Fund, aka the IMF.

The IRS was devised, by bankers, to collect national
debt which they, the bankers, created themselves by
greatly inflating the cost of financing WWI & WWII,
which they, these same bankers, instigated in the first place.

The IRS then began collecting the income tax,
directly imposed on the American people, as a means
to insure perpetuation of an archaic class system
known as 'serfdom', or slavery. In addition to the tax
never being legally ratified, it is a direct, UNapportioned
tax on the labor of the average American
worker, and so therefore, according to the
Constitution, is not even a legal tax. (Diversified
Metal Products v. IRS et al. CV-93-405E-EJE
U.S.D.C.D.I., Public Law 94-564, Senate Report 94-
1148, Reorganization Plan No. 26, Public Law102

21) The 1040 tax form is quite literally 'a form of
tribute' payed to Britain. (IRS publication 6209)

22) The IMF is an agency of the UN. (Blacks Law
Dictionary 6th Ed. Pg.816)

23) The U.S. has not had a treasury since 1921. (41
Stat. Ch.214 pg. 654)

24) The U.S. Treasury is now the IMF. (Presidential
Documents Volume 29 No.4 pg. 113, 22 U.S.C. 285-

25) NSA, FCC, CIA, FAA, FBI, IRS, and all the other
'alphabet' organizations, were never part of the
"United States Government", even though the U.S.
held shares of stock in the various agencies. (U.S. V.
Strang , 254 US 491, Lewis v. US, 680 F.2d, 1239)

26) The UN, through the IMF, issues Social Security
Numbers. The application for a Social Security
Number is the SS5 form. The Department of the
Treasury (IMF) issues the SS5, not the Social Security
Administration. The new SS5 forms do not state who
or what publishes them. The earlier SS5 forms state
that they are Department of the Treasury forms. You
can get a copy of the SS5 you filled out by sending
form SSA-L996 to the SS Administration. (20 CFR
chapter 111, subpart B 422.103 (b) (2) (2) Read the
cites above)

27) According to the GATT (the General Agreement
on Tariffs and Trade), you must have a Social Security
number. (House Report 103-826)

28) Social Security is not insurance or a contract, nor
is there a trust fund. (Helvering v. Davis 301 US 619,
Steward Co. V. Davis 301 US 548.)

29) Your Social Security check comes directly from
the IMF, which is an agency of the UN. (Look at it if
you receive one. It should have written on the top left
United States Treasury.)

The End Of Experimental Vaccines 💉 "World Patriots, Rejoice: The Deep State's Second Pandemic Plot Unravels!"

Ladies and gentlemen, fellow Patriots and Freedom Fighters, this is a moment to celebrate, for your unyielding spirit has once again triumphed against the shadowy deep state and their globalist agenda.

Your voices, your unshakable commitment to the truth, have played a pivotal role in exposing the hidden agenda, thereby thwarting the second planned pandemic and subsequent lockdowns. The globalist deep state has been forced to abandon their malevolent scheme thanks to the MASSIVE AWAKENING INFORMATION CAMPAIGN!

Across more than 100 nations, their sinister plan has crumbled, with fewer than 5% of Americans succumbing to their booster shot agenda. Across the globe, consensus has been reached that the world refuses to bow to new lockdowns, and most now see a sinister elite agenda lurking behind the pandemic, vaccines, and lockdowns. Moreover, nations are awakening to the stark corruption undermining their two-tier governments, suppressing human rights, and censoring freedom of speech!

"Secret Vaxx Warehouses - A Billion-Dollar Fiasco"

Behind closed doors, the colossal failure of vaccine storage and distribution unfolds. Warehouses across the globe are overflowing, and the blunders are costing BlackRock and others hundreds of billions as vaccines languish without proper storage and cooling. Quietly, these vaccines are being destroyed, making this revelation a powerful testament to our fight against the deep state cabal.

"The Power of the Great Awakening"

This moment signifies a monumental victory against the deep state cabal and underscores the potency of the Great Awakening, spreading like wildfire worldwide. Your voices are the antidote to the deep state's lies, overcoming mainstream media misinformation, social media censorship, government suppression, and globalist narratives.

"Deep State Panic and the WW3 Scheme"

As the globalist cabal panics, they endeavor to concoct a WW3 scenario to fuel their illicit money laundering operations, extracting trillions from the U.S., EU, Canada, Australia, Israel, and the puppet Ukrainian regime controlled by the CIA. But their war machinations have crumbled as Ukraine's regime, feeling betrayed and abandoned, admits defeat.

"Israeli Civil War Looms"

Behind the curtains in Israel, the military plans to remove Netanyahu, paving the way for tribunals. A civil war looms, scheduled for 2024, as over 80% of Israelis lose faith in their government. White hat military strategists are preparing intricate Game Theory Operations for a bloodless military coup.

"Revelations Await in 2024"
Fuck Joe Biden’s Mom.

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