Woman Plays Complex Game Of Patty-Cake With High-Fiving Dog

6 years ago

Clapping games are some of the earliest that kids learn. I think this is mostly because parents tend to use their hands to communicate a lot with babies, especially early “games” like peek-a-boo.

Patty-cake is one of the clapping rhyme games that everyone learns as a kid…

Did you know that Patty-cake or “pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker’s man” is one of the oldest surviving English nursery rhymes? The earliest known version appeared in Thomas d’Urfey’s play The Campaigners in 1698. Amazingly one of the the oldest nursery rhymes that we still use today is a French poem similar to “Thirty days hath September” that was recorded in the 1200s. The original version goes, “Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker’s man. Bake me a cake as fast you can, Pat it, and prick it, and mark it with a “B” And put it in the oven for baby and me!” Other versions have people changing what the letter is and putting a name in like the letter T and the name Tommy instead of baby.

What you usually don’t see is animals throwing down a solid patty-cake! You’ve GOT to check this pup out!

The clapping game that accompanies the rhyme involves two people. It alternates between individual claps with two-handed claps. For more complex claps, hands can be alternated so that left claps right and vice versa. When I was a kid the goal was to clap out a complex rhythm as fast you could while also saying the rhyme superfast. However, I don’t know if kids today still play the game at all or in that manner. The yellow Labrador in this video doesn’t quite get going fast but she does a good idea of keeping up with her owner.

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