FlighRadar24 April 26, 2024 Canada's Cold War Purge on LGBTQ from the Military

10 months ago

Canada’s Cold War Purge of LGBTQ from the Military
The Fat Man and the Little Boy!
During the Cold War and until 1992, Canadian security officials conducted a campaign to identify and dismiss members of the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) community working for the public service and armed forces. Image courtesy of the Canadian War Museum.
Video created and narrated by Diane St Laurent, who is a Canadian Independent Researcher, still searching for her brother born in 1956.
“Make Me Cry”, “Les Coeurs Jumeau”, “Cold Part Of Town”, “Song For Kim – She Said”, “True”, “Someday”, “Joey” and “Little Sister” by Concrete Blonde.
My collection of screenshots from FlightRadar24 and JetPhotos from April 26, 2024, capturing six Stratotankers leaving the United States (Salt Lake City).
Canada’s Cold War Purge
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