The Foreign Aid Is Going To Depopulate Ukraine - Catherine Austin Fitts

5 months ago

In a recent interview with Greg Hunter, Catherine Austin Fitts, a former Bush official and founder of, dropped a series of bone-chilling statements about the Ukraine war.

She said, “I don’t know where that money’s disappearing to, Greg, but it’s not there to fight a legitimate war.”

“Ukraine is lost,” she added. “The Russians have won.” Military insiders suggest, “It’s too late.” “The lines have imploded” and “money can’t help.”

So, why does the US government continue to funnel billions of tax dollars to Ukraine? According to Fitts, It’s quite disturbing.

“I hate to say this, [but] it [foreign aid] is going to depopulate the Ukraine. What I’ve said since the beginning of this is that the goal is to depopulate the Ukraine so that they can do their new thing here.”

Some reports suggest that 500,000 plus Ukrainian soldiers have died from the war so far. Moreover, the conflict has led to a mass exodus of Ukrainian citizens out of the country. This has been described as one of the largest refugee crises in recent European history.

Fitts said, “If you look at how many Ukrainians have left and gone to Russia or Europe, it’s extraordinary. I think since they started sort of playing this game of trying to implode Russia again, you’ve depopulated about eight to ten million people out of the Ukraine.”

Full interview:

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