✨.Speed Up Subliminal Results ✨(Audio + Visual)✨

4 months ago

Manifesting the life you want. This is a review page! 🧬 🚀 💵

The Language of Abundance: https://bit.ly/4bbd12j
The Billionaire Brain Wave : https://bit.ly/4dAWk1A
Quantum Millionaire: https://bit.ly/3WDHaCJ
the wealth signal : https://bit.ly/3yqalz1

🌟🌟🌟 By clicking on the pages in my bio you can reach the wealth of health and fit body.

Text & Audio Affirmations (in I and You format):
The subliminals I choose become active immediately.
The subliminals I choose become my strong beliefs.
The subliminals I choose become my convictions.
The subliminals I choose become part of my being now and forever.
The subliminals I choose are ingrained in my mind.
I expect instant results from the subliminals I choose.
I am grateful for the wonderful changes that positive subliminal sessions bring.
I am grateful it is so easy to change my beliefs with positive subliminal sessions.
My subconscious sees to it I receive maximum benefits from subliminal sessions.
After my third time using a subliminal video I can see and feel obvious results.
I love knowing that subliminals I use are helping me.
I consciously choose to believe subliminals I use bring immediate results.
I manifest instant results from the subliminals I use.
My inner gatekeeper allows the subliminals I choose to reach my subconscious.
All beneficial affirmations I listen to manifest as fast as safely possible.
I believe my subconscious mind can manifest anything instantly.
I see results from subliminal sessions I choose incredibly fast.
My subconscious immediately accepts subliminal affirmations that I choose.
My subconscious mind processes affirmations I choose instantly.
I instantly experience tremendous changes from subliminal sessions I choose.
My mind responds powerfully to subliminal affirmations that I choose.
I let go of all negative beliefs about subliminal affirmations.
Subliminal sessions I choose always work for me.
I get amazing results from subliminal sessions I use.
Subliminal sessions I choose are incredibly effective for me.
My subconscious mind is becoming faster and faster at manifesting what I want.
Subliminal affirmations I choose always work.
I expect beneficial subliminal affirmations to always work for me.
Beneficial subliminal affirmations are firmly implanted into my mind immediately.
Positive subliminal affirmations work instantly for me.
My body and mind adjust safely and accordingly to each subliminal affirmation.
My subconscious mind accepts subliminal affirmations which are beneficial for me.
All desired changes from subliminal sessions are permanent and fixed.
I easily release all unwanted mental and emotional blockages.
Positive adjustments happen effortlessly while I use subliminal sessions.
Positive transformations take place effortlessly when I use subliminal sessions.
Beneficial subliminal sessions work instantly for me.
My subconscious mind integrates subliminal affirmations safely and effectively.
My subconscious mind makes each subliminal session I use into my reality.
I mentally accept the subliminals from the videos I use.
My subconscious makes all subliminals active from the videos I use.
My subconscious sees every word clearly during subliminal videos.
My subconscious hears every word clearly during subliminal videos.
My subconscious hears every affirmation during subliminal videos.
My subconscious sees every affirmation during subliminal videos.
Positive subliminal programming works for me.
Positive subliminal messaging works for me.
Positive subliminal suggestions work for me.
Positive subliminal audio sessions work for me.
Positive subliminal visual sessions work for me.
Positive subliminal audio + visual sessions work for me.
I believe 100% in positive subliminal affirmations.
I believe my subconscious mind is incredibly powerful.
I mentally accept subliminal affirmations I choose.
Subliminal affirmations that I choose become activated in my subconscious.
Subliminal sessions I choose to use hold my full attention.
It is pleasurable to use subliminal sessions I choose.
Using subliminal sessions I choose brings me instant results.
I get maximum results from the subliminals I choose.
I can use a subliminal session three times and expect maximum results.
My conscious mind steps aside when I use subliminal sessions.
I choose to allow my mind to accept beneficial subliminal messages.

Watch in HD. Headphones/Earphones are optional. Use this subliminal video often to speed up subliminal results. Watch and listen for best results. You can still get results from just watching or just listening if that's more convenient for you. This subliminal video has both text and audio affirmations. Set to a comfortable volume. Use at least once a day until no longer needed. There are no binaural beats or frequencies in this video.

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