ShiftWatch 240502 - Talking DNA at Truthstream, cloud avalanche, Light Beings, Meditation, mantras

10 months ago

Starbuck’s Mystery School presents: ShiftWatch with Starbuck

Music: Epidemic Sound
Neo Dreams, The Big Let Down
Earth Hour, Ecobel

240502 - Episode 5

A recap of current multidimensional conditions

News - Today’s Energy shifts focus is on
Discussing DNA restoration with Joe and Scott at Truthstream among other multidimensional things

Space Weather
Watch this courageous recording of a cloud avalanche at Lake Kepuche in 2021

Vibration matching
Examples of sky phenomena my friends have shared from different places on the planet - see what you make of it

This one captured a Light Being making their way to the surface - these are telomeres, demonstrating their ability to reach the surface without the need to land a craft

P.S. George Harrison and the Maharishi - who could have seen that these two souls would have the impact they had and continue to provide guidance to me. I had come to appreciate George’s music apart from the Beatles long before I learned of his spiritual journey, but there is where I found many synchronicities between his path and mine. I have come to realize that he and I are alike in so many ways illuminated by our metaphysical curiosities. He left me with one piece of precious information when he said “mantras are … a mystical sound vibration encased in a syllable.” How spot on beautiful is that 😎. Back in medieval times, stories were referred to as songs. So when you heard the phrase “songs will be written about your tales” this is what they meant. How many contained mantras?

I’ve been talking about Resonating with vibrations for awhile now but greater focus recently has been drawn to sound vibrations

More than one program I’ve entertained myself with recently all seemed to be centered on Medieval times think Game of Thrones - and during those broadcasts the idea that stories were songs (songs will be written to honor your exploits). Hence the sound vibration awareness that’s taken up residency in my field.

Last week I was invited to the Truthstream podcast with Joe and Scott and among the multidimensional topics we touched on, current DNA activations was one and we shared some physical attributes that have changed in our awareness.

Next I’ve been bringing you reliable resources to inform and track solar influences on the planet but today I’ve brought you something I’d never seen before - a cloud avalanche

Then all of these preparations for contact are leading somewhere and I’m sharing a recording of a telemere (Light Being) making their way to the surface. Soon they will be will seeking ambassadors and emissaries.

And finally I’ve come to a conclusion over the past few weeks that I have taken achieving my meditative state for granted. I’ve noticed that in conversations with others - that they have work to do to find that space. Looking back, meditation didn’t just fall in my lap - I tried everything until Transcendental Meditation came my way and provided a simple solution. That’s when the Maharishi, George Harrison and a mantra would become part of my guidance system for connecting to higher realms. I began the episode referring to sound vibration - they’ll be a closing thought waiting for you at the end from George that will tie it all together.

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