instead of trying to understand we stare/point/ridicule

9 months ago

forgive me if it ain't good, that's well understood
every once in awhile i'll pull sumin out that's just fucking gold
i'd like to think that it's all worth it
nothing is ever a waste of time if you got the right mindset
everybody has a point, some are better at making it than others
the only thing you can hope for in this world
i hope that i live a meaningful life
many live their whole lives w/out ever giving a shit
i feel the fuck outta every experience
sometimes i get jealous of the plebs
it must be nice to not think twice (or just the once)
therapy over apathy
i HATE apathetic people w/ a passion
committing suicide doesn't seem to be sumin that an apathetic person would do
i always knew i was fucked up even as a kid
nope, not autistic
america is pagan cos it's run by the star of david people
ronnit is from tel aviv n she's celebrating Passover right now
paisley (cat) is the only thing coming in between me n my art
cats like to interrupt whatever you're doing
everything is a learning experience
the bathroom videos were really my reaction to society putting up all things unnecessary on the internet
ag's solution: showcase real life
ag is like a spider w/ eyes all over my head
yeah mental illness is a defense reel somewhat
i don't have the time to explain everything
so this happened yesterday...
i have the habit of looking homeless
wtf bitch why don't chu have a fork
so many questions that people are too afraid to ask me i guess
let the man in my head explain...
our job is to sit back n take it, writing assessments
it's not the end of the world if people think you're weird
it won't get you anywhere girlfriend

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