Introvert Puppy Sits All Alone, Sulking At The Corner Of A Playground

6 years ago

Most of our canine companions are very sociable and friendly and don't mind having company. In fact, they go by the motto ‘the more the merrier’! However, George the bulldog does not enjoy puppy playtime as much as his peers do! How funny is that?

Hilarious footage has emerged showing several puppies playing inside the doggy enclosure, while one introvert pooch is standing alone in the corner, enjoying his own company. This adorable little pup seems to be too shy to get comfortable hanging out with the crowd! Cuteness overload!

In this video, we witness the adorable moment when a tiny puppy is experiencing his first sociable moment with other four-legged buddies and his reaction is beyond adorable! Not only this pooch resembles shy and unsociable, it also looks like he is a bit bored too! Come on George, it is time to mingle!

The hilarious clip starts with three happy pooches, having the time of their lives playing with each other, but when the camera turns to the left side corner, we see a little bulldog fellow sulking in the corner, trying too hard to handle the situation. Why does this lonely puppy seem so sad all by himself? We want to comfort him and give him a warm hug! Cheer up little buddy!

As soon as he realizes that he is now in the spotlight of the camera, George tries to flee the scene and is seen running in an attempt to hide from the paparazzi. He just wants to be left alone, sulking in the corner. There is nothing wrong about wanting to be all alone once in a while. He is making everyone see very clearly that he is not happy with the current situation!

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