What Happened in New York City in 2020? Professor Harvey Risch on Tom Woods Show

10 months ago

Professor Harvey Risch is a senior research scientist in epidemiology at Yale University, Connecticut USA. Here he describes what appears to have happened in New York City in 2020. A pandemic does not occur within borders of certain locations, but spreads organically across the globe. That is not what happened in Covid, which had great respect for geographical boundaries and political borders. This has been written about extensively, for example:

"“Pandemic outcomes” differed hugely between neighbouring countries and regions, appearing to obey national, political and administrative boundaries. Differences in the ways in which panic, fear, hysteria spread, and the ways in which harmful pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical interventions were applied, are much simpler and more likely explanations for such observations than a spreading pathogen.

With respect to timing, the commencement of the state of “pandemicity” is congruent with the declaration of a pandemic, with no prior signs of abnormality anywhere. Furthermore, there is evidence that the same signal (detected via PCR testing) used to assert viral spread was actually present globally for months before the “emergency”.

The mathematical models developed and used to predict the course of the “pandemic” and inform governments as to what measures they should take are underpinned by multiple baseless assumptions about how viruses spread. In truth, the evidence base regarding mechanisms of transmission for respiratory viral pathogens is extraordinarily thin. This is especially the case for pathogens for which the population has substantial prior immunity."

Many familiar with the way that respiratory and other infectious viruses spread felt something was wrong with the narrative about Covid as early as 2020. Others saw incongruity between the data and what was being claimed, or recognised it in other ways. Millions were awakened to the fact that lies were being told, which led many to an awakening that the world is under the control of a small group of powerful criminals using propaganda to reach their intended goals of increased power and possibly also a reduction in population which they openly speak about. For example, Dennis Meadows from the Club of Rome:

This has been written about extensively, from Dr John Coleman's 1994 book The Committee of 300 which is available to read/download here:
to more recent investigations such as Seamus Bruner's The Controligarchs: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/709259/controligarchs-by-seamus-bruner-foreword-by-peter-schweizer/.

Importantly for climate change claims, and future pandemic claims, is the practice of paying mathematical modelers to prepare illustrations of death and destruction. These models are then delivered to politicians and media whose role it is to inform the public of their pending demise so that as many people as possible comply with demands to surrender their freedoms and rights. The practice of using models underpinned by false and static assumptions emerged out of the Club of Rome in the 1970s when their publication The Limits to Growth claimed that resources are limited and human population growth is to blame for environmental destruction including pollution and climate change. In fact, climate change is a naturally occurring phenomenon due to multiple interactions relating largely to the sun; and pollution is a problem relating specifically to poverty.

Today models are being used to promote the idea that lives were saved due to the warp-speed "vaccines" that were deployed worldwide. Read more here:

Rather than all of humanity believing they must become impoverished to save themselves and/or the planet, all of humanity needs to be given the opportunity to flourish. This will never happen whilst a small group of billionaires with criminal intent are in charge. The question is, how to stop them?

One of the tactics used to draw people into the excitement of what is on offer (high salaries and other benefits) whilst complying with what amounts to barbarism, is associating their work with an element of prestige. For example, in 2023 two scientists were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their discovery of a process which modified the mRNA used in Covid vaccines so that it would not be quickly degraded by the body's defense mechanisms. Read about their award here:

Meanwhile, this ingredient has been identified as playing a key role in cancer development. At a time when cancer rates across the world are soaring. Read more from molecular biologist Joe Wang, here:
Read more from the World Council for Health here:

VIDEO SOURCE: https://www.woodhouse76.com/p/harvey-risch-on-the-question-of-what

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