Endurance in Doing Good | Galatians 6:9-10

9 months ago

Ever felt like giving up on doing good when the world weighs heavy?

We are days away from beginning the book of 1 Samuel. So remember to visit our website and secure your copy of the 1 Samuel Scripture Journal. Pick it up so you're fully prepared to dive into this study.

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith. — Galatians 6:9-10

When we feel the weight of the world bearing down on us and witness conflicts within the church, it can be draining. This was the challenge faced by the churches in Galatia. External pressures coupled with internal disputes sowed seeds of exhaustion and frustration.

Haven't we all experienced moments when we've had enough drama and just crave a break?

Yet, it's precisely at these junctures that many believers grow tired of doing good. What's required is another act of kindness, motivated by the Spirit.

Think of it like a critical moment in a football game—fourth down with just one yard to go, the game hanging in the balance. We're standing on the spiritual goal line, seconds ticking away, feeling weary, yet knowing we must execute one more crucial play—the most important one. Despite being behind, despite the internal squabbles on the team, we must deliver. The play needs to be solid and flawlessly executed.

So, despite the burdens and conflicts you face today, hold firm. Do one more good deed because that deed might just tip the scales, leading to another small victory on the path of salvation—for you and your fellow believers.



Reflecting on your own experiences, when have you felt weary in doing good? How did you overcome that weariness, and what motivated you to continue pressing on?
In what areas of your life do you currently feel the weight of weariness or frustration? How can you apply the encouragement from Galatians 6:9-10 to those situations, and what specific steps can you take to persevere in doing good despite the challenges?
DO THIS: Do good yet again.

PRAY THIS: Lord, grant me strength and perseverance to continue doing good even when I feel weary or discouraged, knowing that in due season, I will reap a harvest if I don't give up. Fill me with your Spirit, guiding me to be a beacon of kindness and love amidst the challenges I face today. Amen.

PLAY THIS: Gratitude.

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