RFK Jr – DTP Vaccine Caused Brain Injury & Death in 1 out of 300 Children – 10X more Death in Vaxxed

8 months ago

***SHARE FAR & WIDE: *This Must Be Known by EVERYONE!

Robert Kennedy Jr. met with Dr. Fauci in 2016 and asked if there EVER has been a Pre-Licensing Placebo Controlled Safety Study to ANY Vaccine that is on the CDC Childhood Vaccine Schedule.

Fauci said that he would get back to Kennedy on this as he couldn’t find one at the time.

Well, Fauci never did get back to him.

RFK Jr sued the HHS and after a year of litigation and stonewalling Fauci said they could not provide a single pre-licensing safety study for any vaccine that is on the childhood schedule.

HHS admits that not ONE vaccine has EVER been safety tested pre-licensing.

Fauci could not provide one single placebo study and yet they push these things like they are hotcakes to the children of the United States of America.

Other medicines have to do this and so should vaccines.

So for people who believe there have been placebo vaccine studies, provide some evidence, Fauci couldn’t, the FDA couldn’t, the HHS couldn’t and the NIH couldn’t.

Do people understand this?

There has NEVER, EVER been ANY Placebo Controlled Studies for ANY Childhood Vaccine that ANY Agency in the United States can provide.

What does this mean?

It means that we don’t know the Long-Term Risks of Vaccines, PERIOD. We have no clue.

The few INDEPENDENT Long-Term Studies are very telling. They do NOT want parents or anyone knowing this stuff.

A long term study done in California found that if you give the Chicken Pox Vaccines, it may stop the chicken pox but it Causes SHINGLES outbreaks later on, which are 20x deadlier than chicken pox.

Despite these studies they Mandated the Chicken Pox Vaccine for Children. This is a f*cking Crime!

What does this tell you they are putting in the Chicken Pox Vaccines? They are secretly putting the Shingles Viruses in them.

Other Countries have completely BANNED Chicken Pox Vaccines and the British National Health Website states that they do not recommend the chicken pox vaccines because they cause Shingles down the road.

That is the TRICK with Vaccines. They may have SOME Effectiveness of preventing a certain disease but they contain “contaminants” (deliberate viruses) that will cause a worse disease in the future.

The Risks ALWAYS Outweigh the Benefits.

The only good vaccine is one that is NEVER made.

Some strains of viruses have long incubation periods which they KNOW. Since viruses cannot even be detected in vaccines, we don’t know what they are putting in them and what disease they may cause 10, 15, 20 years down the road. It all depends on incubation periods and how strong an immune system is.

The thing is – very few connect the dots because there are NO freaking long term studies by our FDA, CDC, HHS or NIH. This is what people need to wake up to.

Our children our DELIBERATELY being set up with these Childhood Vaccinations for severe illnesses down the road. 100%.

The DTP Vaccine Caused Brain Injury or Death in 1:300 Children leading to it being banned in Europe and the USA.

The Bill Gates Program then gave those deadly vaccines to 160 MILLION African children per year and Gates said it save 30 million lives.

Has this Eugenicist Ever told the truth?

The Danish Government said “Show us the Data.”

Of course Bill Gates couldn’t because if was a blatant LIE.

The Danish government went to Africa and they looked through 30 years of DTP data and what they found shocked them all.

It was discovered that vaccinated African girls were in fact dying at a rate of 10x more than those who were unvaccinated, because their immune systems had been severely damaged by the vaccines.

This is why Long-Term Vaccination Studies vs Long-Term Unvaccinated Studies are needed!!

Now you know why they have NEVER had true Placebo Studies in Vaccines. They are great at hiding the truth and inverting it, but this one would be too obvious to conceal.

They know this and this is exactly why there have never been any long term studies with the 3 letter “protective” agencies.

This is the Great Lie and they are going after our children at full force right now.

Vaccines make your child’s immune system defenseless down the road. This is the truth guys.

Please copy this and share this information because they are upping their game and going full steam ahead with even deadlier jabs that contain mRNA.

Time to Wake Up Parents!

Source: Clipped 48:10 -- MJ TRUTH -- https://rumble.com/v3k4zxs-rfk-jr-town-hall.html


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Thank You!!

END. 5/10/2024 – 9:00 PM

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