#164 Sovereignty and the Power of Grassroots Engagement w/ Ron Armstrong

9 months ago

Chris and Danielle chat with Ron Armstrong, founder and president of Stand Up Michigan, to talk about recent developments with implications for Louisiana - and the nation! Is American sovereignty really at stake?


Psalms 27:11-14 TPT


To keep up with Ron Armstrong, you can:
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Danielle talks about the lesson in today’s scripture (03:12)
The State of Freedom welcomes Ron Armstrong (05:14)
Stand Up Michigan’s humble beginnings (05:35)
Who stepped up and who didn’t (13:25)
Stories of retaliation (19:32)
Where they intend to go (24:17)
Learning from history (29:07)
The global pandemic treaty (33:49)
A shower story (39:55)
Christ’s own disappointment (45:28)
What listeners can help to do (56:47)
State of Freedom’s closing message for its listeners (01:01:05)


Music by MarkJuly from Pixaby

Sound effects by Pixaby

Produced by Podcasting Pros

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