Biblical Astronomy & Connecting Dots in a World of Lies

4 months ago

Marty's Title for his post:
113 - Sunday Service, John Chapter 2, The Wedding at Cana

Much of what I have discovered and learned over the past few years sums down to this; the powers that be are fabricating a false reality for us all.

Money and power now rule completely; the rule of any law, especially any moral law is non existent. Unless you can pay for it.

One of the oldest and most relevant books in the world's "history" is the Bible.

A text that we as a people have been lead to beLIEve has perhaps some obscure meaning, but nothing relevant to our lives here and now. All evidence points to the exact opposite. Surprise!

As written in the very first chapter ... the lights in the sky were placed there for signs by the Creator (paraphrased). To ignore what has been placed for us to observe and learn from, is the height of arrogance, or ignorance.

The lies of man today overwhelm all Truth. In fact you will be jailed for sharing the Truth today. There are many huge lies that many people refuse to acknowledge; there are also many week minds today, which has been developed on purpose.

THINKING independently is not something the powers that be desire.

You're "noticing things" can be damn inconvenient don't you know.

Brother Marty Leeds ( a solid person) is a man who is speaking Truth to power and has connected many, many dots for me personally. His knowledge on this subject is impressive and the way he "connects the dots" ... mind blowing for me personally.

Few Truths are found in any one arena of discourse today. Should we be discerning and possess some pattern recognition ability; our journey towards the Truth can be guided through others in a much more pleasant manner. It's a rare smooth road that's imparts any wisdom.


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