Biden, Who Weaponized Government Against His Political Opponents, Warns Trump Is Threat To 'Freedom'

5 months ago

Is there a mirror anywhere in the White House? We believe there are many; President Biden would do well to look in one for a good long time before he says stuff like this with a straight face. The absolute nerve of this guy. But notice what he considers 'freedom' -- abortion. That's the only thing you're free to do in Mr. Devout Catholic's America, apparently. Speak out at school board meetings? Attend the Latin Mass? You're a domestic terrorist. Are you a woman who wants to play sports against fellow women? You're a bigot who can now be punished under Biden's Title IX reforms. A journalist who covered January 6 in ways unfavorable to the administration? The FBI will perp walk you in handcuffs. But Trump is the threat to freedom. Sure, Jan.

• More at: Twitchy - Biden, Who Weaponized Government Against His Political Opponents, Warns TRUMP Is Threat to 'Freedom'

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