GoPro Action Camera Head Strap Hacks

10 months ago

If you are a #contentcreator, especially one doing #hunting or #fishing or #trapping or other #outdoors content, you're well aware of the need for an #actioncamera such as #gopro. Many times, when you but a cheap action camera, they'll come with various accessories. Other times, you may need items for your GoPro and affordable accessories can be found on #amazon or #temu or elsewhere. Most importantly are the "chestie" (chest mount) and head strap commonly used by GoPro-style action cameras.

The chestie, while more comfortable, generally is not preferred by viewers. The head strap is aggravating and uncomfortable, but the footage you can get from it is generally preferred by viewers. With both of these types of straps/mounts, the cheaper versions come with a flaw that causes them to become unusable after a period of time.

In this video, Ken will show you two GoPro action camera head strap hacks that will increase the life of the product while also making sure your valuable action camera doesn't get lost while out on the water. One of these tips comes from @godscountryhuntingfishing1638 (on YouTube) which Ken erroneously referred to as God's Country Outdoors (a different YouTube channel). Ken meant to say the God's Country Hunting & Fishing YouTube channel.

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