Ep. 14 How to Navigate Relationships Now That You've Changed with Seeking Scripture's Christy Jordan

10 months ago

Christy Jordan knows Larry the Cucumber. It's true. She also started and eventually sold a viral food blog called Southern Plate, released two cookbooks and became the editor of Southern Living Magazine. Now, she leveraged her passion to get believers in the Word as well as her writing, editing and researching skills to start Seeking Scripture, a nearly 50,000-member, daily Bible study with the goal of helping more people to read the whole Bible for themselves.

In this interview, we'll talk about loving people as Yeshua exemplified... plus all of the above, except for Larry the Cucumber. That was off camera. Actually, Big Idea Entertainment, the production company that makes Veggie Tales, made a Christy Jordan-inspired Carrot. If I can get my hands on that I'll share it.

Connect with Christy and Seeking Scripture: https://seekingscripture.com/

Christy was a huge help in editing The Truth: Reformation 2.0. Check that out too: https://www.thewaydoc.com/thetruth

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THE WAY documentary, a film which tells the story of countless believers around the world who’ve traded Easter ham for Passover lamb and Sunday church for Saturday Sabbath - all in an effort to live like their Savior. Learn more and buy your DVD, digital download or 10 hr Extended Edition at: https://www.thewaydoc.com/collections/the-way-documentary

THE TRUTH: REFORMATION 2.0 is a light-hearted, hard-hitting apologetics book from the creators of The Way documentary. It's the first book of its kind to offer systematic, biblical answers to every mainstream Christian objection to Torah observance. Learn more and get your copy (digital or paperback) at: https://www.thewaydoc.com/thetruth

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