Webcast: Will Campus Protests End the Military Industrial Complex?

9 months ago

Join Helga Zepp-#LaRouche May 1, 11am Eastern/5pm CET in her Weekly Live dialogue and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to questions@schillerinstitue.com or ask them in the live stream.

#Ukraine #Russia #China #Nato #Palestine #brics #Israel #War #nuclearwar #cruisemissile #taurus #MLK #BRI

We are in a time of dramatic change, when humanity faces decisions in the near future whose consequences will be felt for generations.
Will Anglo-American NATO propel its showdown with Russia to the brink, sending us teetering on the edge of the thermonuclear abyss? Will Israeli misleader Benjamin Netanyahu propel his ongoing military barbarisms, engulfing the region in conflict, with Iran as a potential justification? Will the United States cease to content itself with stern lectures and trade sanctions against China, the world’s leading economy—turning instead to forcing the military confrontation over Taiwan they claim China is planning?
Conflict is not inevitable, and colonialism is not eternal. The future is made by the actions taken every day, by leaders and citizens alike. Mental inertia need not overpower reason; it is not yet too late to shift!
There are signs of a transformation of official policy, and of nations’ and people’s self-perceived roles in deliberating upon it. Hawaii has become the first U.S. state to demand that the U.S. support an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. The nation’s youth overwhelmingly oppose the Biden policy towards Israel. College protests continue and expand, perhaps most notably in Columbia University in New York City, where an administration-imposed deadline to disperse came and went Monday afternoon. Reports from Israel indicate that Netanyahu is trying to figure out how to stop what seem to be upcoming arrest warrants from the International Criminal Court.
Indeed, nothing would be more reasonable, from the standpoint of the true self-interest of the United States and of its people, than to return to the revolutionary concepts that led to its founding.

A revival of the American System (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2ZphDsTFRc), taking on new forms appropriate to the present, would set the U.S. on course to having a beautiful future. It will free the nations of NATO to rid themselves of the myopic and puerile attitude of maintaining relevance, by preventing others from growing.

Abundance is ours, if we choose it.

Truth Over Treason: Toppling the 'Not-So-Deep State’

"Today, on the campuses, this is something being done to 18 year-olds and 19 year-olds who simply are seeing the mass slaughter of women, children and people in Palestine, and are opposing it. They’re saying there has to be a better way than this; we’ve already acknowledged, and it’s been acknowledged by the UN, that there is supposed to be a state called Palestine. What is the problem with us ending the war and looking to do some form of economic development that brings peace to this area. They’re being called anti-Semitic.”

The same epithets used against Lyndon LaRouche beginning in the 1970s, and ever since, for the same purpose of stopping the establishment of a new, just world economic order, including the Oasis Plan—the only basis for durable peace—are used now against huge numbers of American students.

Watch The LaRouche Organization‘s video “Truth Over Treason: Toppling the ‘Not-So-Deep State’” featuring Harley Schlanger, Ray McGovern, Congressional pre-candidate Jose Vega, joining host Dennis Speed: https://rumble.com/v4rxe4t-the-manhattan-project-for-april-27th-2024.html

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