6 years later, still no feeling or urge.

10 months ago

Hysterectomy that just has been the worst thing in my life to happen. Because with all my other traumas there was something that helped me out. This time has been a lot of soul searching and time deep diving in the deep end not finding my footing. I'm either all in and then my body tells me what I will do. It's evil to me what is going on with my body. I think what is more important is my brain health having it healthier is going to work on my body. This woman's story is tragic at times but surviving the storm and the aftermath is survival and the rebuild is hard. I have been pushed this year, like I have never been pushed. I am on YouTube. I think I have been shadow band. My spirit never breaks, it just evolves. I say six years. Guys I have been dealing with my health since I was 11. My first period was horrible. It got worse. We did not have money for stuff like that. Most of the time I just dealt with it on my own... I am still grinding, finding my spoons collecting for a rainy day... Not having a child has almost crushed me. But I have to move on, and find another way to occupy my time...

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