Turning Point debating college fascinatingly uninformed student on who is rich and who is left

9 months ago

I loved watching this clip because it puts the whole current issue into a nutshell: This is a UNIVERSITY student--who is far more ignorant about what a fascist is and who is "left" and who is "right" than a ton of "uneducated" (no more education than high school). Students today are taught to parrot phrases,but they don't even know what tgose phrases mean. That's called mass indoctrination.
Listen to both sides. Shocking how the student begins by calling Kirk a "fascist," but when Kirk asks him to give one example of anything fascist about him, the student is dumbstruck--because he's parroting a phrase/term he's been taught to blindly believe by liberal professors, presumably.
Google controls the information narrative from gradeschool on up because of Google Classroom, school-issued Google Chromebooks which allow only Google as a search engine, and then, for "scholarly articles" to use for research papers (dince actual library books aren't allowed any more by many teachers/schools/districts), they are to use Google Scholar. I'm a teacher. I used to home school. I came back into the system, and seeing it all with fresh eyes, the indoctrination of public school is shocking. And they PUSH university for everyone (although you can't get a job with most degrees) because the fed gives districts money, and the fedis the loan shark for college loans, and the schools like the cash,so they teach what they're told. It's bullcrap. They say that in schools kids learn to pass tests but in home school kids learn to learn. So very true!

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