Burden or Backpack | Galatians 6:4-5

4 months ago

Do you have a heavy burden or is it only a little load?

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But let each one test his own work, and then his reason to boast will be in himself alone and not in his neighbor. For each will have to bear his own load. — Galatians 6:4-5

If you read the previous text and then read this one, you will feel like there is this apparent discrepancy. However, this is quickly resolved when we realize that Paul used two different words to refer to two situations. The word translated “burdens” from verse two refers to a "heavy load with an oppressive weight" that someone must carry for a long way. But the word “load” in verse five is a different word, which refers to a traveler's backpack.

So, hopefully, you sense Paul's point. There are burdens and loads. There are burdens that require help from others, and then there are loads that you need to carry. In other words, you must empower yourself with discernment, understanding the weight and how much help you really need.

Every believer in life has macro-burdens and micro-burdens. Some things concern believers together politically, economically, ideologically, sociologically, and theologically. And then there are things that only we can bear alone: marital problems, career challenges, sin issues, and health concerns. The key here is striking a balance. Not being so independent that we don't seek help from the church when it's needed and not being so dependent, we expect the church to solve all of our consequential needs. This balance is what makes us a supportive and thriving community.

So, what's your burden today? Is it macro or micro? Is it heavy or light? Is it a big burden or just your backpack to bear? Discern the difference because some in the community have enormous burdens they need help with, and your load shouldn't take time and attention away from that. Besides, sometimes your burden is God's way of keeping you humble and trusting in him, and you might have to carry this backpack to the threshold of the pearly gates.



Reflecting on your current challenges, do you tend to lean more towards seeking help from others or carrying your burdens independently? How can you strike a healthy balance between independence and community support in facing these challenges?

Consider a recent burden or load you've been carrying. How might viewing it through the lens of discernment and trust in God's guidance change your perspective on its weight and significance in your life?

DO THIS: Discern your burden from your load.

PRAY THIS: Father, grant me the wisdom to discern between burdens that require community support and loads I must carry alone, and help me find balance in seeking both independence and assistance. May I trust in Your guidance and lean on Your strength as I navigate life's challenges, knowing that You are always with me. Amen.

PLAY THIS: Burdens.

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