Your Life is a Mirror : Do the Inner Work & Manifest

9 months ago

Your life is like a mirror.

It's basically a reflection of your inner world.

Your outer reality is a reflection of your inner reality. So when you constantly believe that you don't deserve love; your reality will morph itself to not give you love.

Life is what you focus on, if you always focus on the negatives you will find more things to be negative about. If you always focus on the positive, you will find more things to be positive about.

When we were a kid, we always believed in ourselves. Every day was a new adventure, we never thought something was impossible. But something happened along the way and we started to lose hope in the world around us and ourselves.

This compounded over the years and we started to store more trauma inside. Essentially lowering our vibration and damaging our self-worth. And this manifests in our outer reality with the things we don't really want.

We always end up going through experiences that we don't really desire.

It's because of the things we believe are true, the lower vibrational state that we vibrate upon. Due to the conditioning that has taken place and the limiting self-beliefs.

We tend to buy fancy gifts for our partners and expect them to love us back. It's like you are buying love.

Love is not a transaction.

Instead, raise your self-worth and instill the belief that you deserve unconditional love, embody the feeling, start acting, live in that way, and watch it manifest outside.

It's not effective to wipe the reflection in the mirror when the stain is on your shirt.

So instead of doing and tweaking the external, work on the internal and watch your reflection get better.

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