Binance Founder Changpeng Zhao Sentenced to 4 Months in Prison

10 months ago

04/30/2024 Bloomberg Television: Changpeng Zhao, founder of Binance, the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange, was sentenced to four months in prison and fined $50 million by the Seattle federal court on April 30. Binance was also fined $4.3 billion. Prosecutors believed Changpeng Zhao deliberately circumvented anti-money laundering regulations and failed to establish a necessary anti-money laundering program at Binance. They requested that he be sentenced to 36 months in prison. However, the judge only imposed a mild punishment, which was much lighter than the sentence expected by the prosecutors.
04/30/2024 彭博电视新闻:全球最大加密货币交易所币安创始人赵长鹏于4月30日被美国西雅图联邦法院判处四个月监禁,并处罚款5000万美元;币安也被罚43亿美元。检方认为赵长鹏蓄意规避反洗钱规定,没有在币安设立必要的反洗钱程序,要求总共判处36个月监禁,然而法官只作出了轻微的惩罚,比检方的期望轻很多。

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