Cheltenham based Hungarian carer puts soiled glove fingers in Lucy's food

10 months ago

A Cheltenham based care agency owner is trying to prevent public knowledge that her employees don't bother to replace gloves after changing soiled pads. They don't have any regard for health & safety.
They repeatedly used the same contaminated gloves that they wiped poo from to pop medication in Lucy's mouth, also putting those soiled glove fingers in her food on several occasions.
Lucy Meszaros was subjected to incessant impatience, abruptness, bullying, bruising, rough manual handling, risky transfers, and ignoring complex care needs.
Lucy had infections and died on 2nd December 2023 whilst in the inadequate 'care' of this company.
I've mentioned this in previous posts but as police are involved and seem to be on the side of the perpetrators I can't publicly reveal identities again yet.
If you have concerns and suspect that you may be using this company, contact us.
Our safehouse guy downloaded up to four months of CCTV from four camera's but didn't include the audio. It's gone back today to rectify that.

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