Apology for misinformation about the Hamas-Israel War_Sermon for October 8, 2023 service ハマス・イスラエル戦争についての誤報のお詫び_2023年10月8日礼拝説教_終末時代の預言研究シリーズ ダニエル11:40-45 #1

8 months ago

The Hamas-Israel war in the Middle East and other unsettling movements around the world are becoming increasingly active, and the signs of the end times prophesied in the Bible are becoming stronger. The book of Daniel and the book of Revelation, which have been ridiculed as haunted houses because of their difficulty, are being unraveled as prophesied. Let us study them together and prepare for the Lord's second coming!


説教:金城 重博 「ちょうどノアの時のよう」

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