X22 Report-3339-Fed Structure Change Coming-Tide Is Turning, People Are Seeing It-Ad Free!

7 months ago

I’m a fan of Dave at X22 Report. Here’s the latest episode without the ads. Enjoy! ;-)

Ep 3339a - It’s Time To End The Endless, Fed Structure Change Coming

Biden is plowing ahead with the green new scam and Comer is pointing this out, the anti-fossil fuel rule is going to help the people it will hurt the people. Gold ownership is increasing, Bitcoin ownership is increasing. Trump ready to change the structure of the Fed.
Ep 3339b - [HRC],[BO],[SOROS],[HUMA], U1 Exposed, The Tide Is Turning, People Are Seeing It

The [DS] will intensify the attacks on Trump. Each time the attack the more the people learn. The focus is now pointing to the real criminals, and more and more people are realizing who they are. U1 is now coming into play, think why Obama wanted the docs back from Trump. The tide is turning, people are now seeing it and they are waking up. The truth will destroy all lies. 
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