NYPD Shows Video To Prove Their Intel That Columbia Protests Have Been 'Co-Opted' By Professionals

8 months ago

Apparently, the Mayor of New York City has had quite enough of the Columbia protest nonsense. He knows it is a black eye on the city and every day the Pro Hamas protestors feel more emboldened. Tonight, he was clear it was time for the students to go home.

NYC Mayor says Columbia protest has been "co-opted" and is going to share their intel, he says at 1 Police Plaza. He advises students involved in the protest to leave the area and tells parents to tell their kids to leave "before the situation escalates." https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GMchygAWsAA6GQt?format=jpg&name=4096x4096

Right now, it seems he is holding true to his word as police have been seen entering the campus.

• More at: Twitchy - AOC Lashes Out at Mayor Eric Adams After He Promises to Intervene in Columbia Protest
Rumble: The Revolutionaries Aren't As Brave As They Claim: Students Scatter As NYPD Enter Campus

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