Fukushima: mRNA Vaccines Linked to Deaths, Rare Diseases Outbreak in Japan

5 months ago

04/28/2024 Japan’s Most Senior Oncologist, Prof. Fukushima: In Japan, there have been 2314 reported cases of deaths due to the mRNA vaccine, according to official statistics. Pandora's box has been opened; a variety of vaccine-induced diseases are emerging, such as autoimmune diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, and infections. The production process of the mRNA vaccine is entirely flawed, resulting in a false product.
04/28/2024 日本最资深的肿瘤学家福岛教授:在日本,因新冠疫苗死亡的病例已经有2314例了,这是官方统计的数据。潘多拉盒子已经被打开了,各种各样因疫苗导致的疾病层出不穷,例如像自身免疫性疾病、神经退行性疾病、癌症和感染等。新冠疫苗的生产过程完全是错误的,它是一个虚假的产品。

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