Genocides Real & Fake - Hamas, Aktion Reinhard and George Soros

10 months ago

Shot, starved, gassed, electrocuted, clubbed. This was known. Secretive, but not a secret.

There are no actually graphic images here, of the atrocities. Enough of that. But the denial, by bureaucrats and other scum.

And now, to have other scum lying, denying and appropriating and misgendering the real meaning of words -- "genocide". Eventually there will be justice, Hell. But meantime, all we have is rationality and information. I say "all" is if that were a lot, or a little.

Historical irony: there used to be real, actual refugees, from persecution and eventually real genocide. Not just self-seeking illegals, lying and taking, and flooding our theoretical border. Not leftist-backed insurrectionists flinging the word 'genocide' the way monkeys fling feces.

Today the world screams, just as it always has. Fascism is reinvigorated under a new name -- islamism, currently Hamas - but we need not look to movements to find atrocity. Campus protesters led by Soros-funded apparatchiks -- that's recruitment and training.

George Soros. As destructive as leaded gasoline. He hates Israel the way hairspray hated the ozone layer. Indirectly, and in effect

There are still 129 innocent music festival going hostages -- 4 more, just random snatches -- still being held by the terrorist organization, Hamas.

Children -- you want to protest, sponsor a Music Festival. But have really good security.


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