Problems With A Mid-Tribulation Rapture | Pastor Paul Van Noy | 04/28/24 - Edited

9 months ago

00:00:00 - Introduction
1:03 - Opening Prayer
2:02 - 1 Cor 15:51 - 58
3:06 - 9 Problems with a Mid Tribulation Rapture
5:15 - Titus 2:11-15
9:09 - 1 Thess 4:13 - 18
10:43 - Luke 21:34-36
12:31 - 1 Cor 1: 4- 8
14:45 - Rev 4:1
15:54 - A Mid Tribulation Rapture confuses the purpose of the 144,000 men
18:51 - Rev 7:3-4
19:56 - Early in the Tribulation , all who dwell on the earth desire
to be hidden and protected from the wrath of the lord
20:08 - Rev 6:12-17
21:56 - A Mid Trip Rapture would promise wrath THEN the Rapture.
22:08 - 1 Thess 1:9b-10
22:45 - The 24 Elders are seen in Heaven at the beginning of the Tribulation. They represent the Church Age redeemed.
22:54 - Rev 4:4, 10-11, 5:9 - 10
28:54 - Closing Prayer

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