Warning! Lifesaving attempt Epic Fail

4 months ago

That happened fast if real. RIPs

That was my red cross lifesaving class in a nutshell, had to jump into freezing pool to save a panicked drowning instructor who tried to drown us exactly like that, try to climb on top us, we had to quickly put them in a headlock from behind so cant drown us, them swim to edge of pool with 1 arm. Rule is never jump in water, just use a stick or pole or rope or flotation device. Had to use that move on my schizophrenic gf this month when she tried to jump out of moving car while screaming switching alter personalities, 30 suicide attempts so far "blue n dead" an ER dr wrote. Severe child trauma caused it. She did a yoga headstand on top edge of a 100 foot waterwall, i videod it assuming she gonna jump but she just laughed while i had a heart attack, heres the video:

3.5 hours documentary by Pirate News TV

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