Campus EXPLOSION as Protesters STORMColumbia University Building, HundredsARRESTED Nationwide

9 months ago

Daily Debrief host Margaret Chadbourn chats with TheHill's Brett Samuels about how leaders are reactingafter students at Columbia University barricadedthemselves in a building on campus, and studentprotesters and police clash at universities across theU.S. Brett also gives an update on what's next forformer President Donald Trump after a Manhattanjudge ruled he had violated a gag order, and the latestpolling in both the presidential race and Arizona senate race.

Also in your Debrief: Democrats say they'll saveSpeaker Johnson from ouster, two potential Trumprunning mates are making headlines - one for goingafter special prosecutor Jack Smith, and the other forshooting her puppy - Israeli officials are facingpossible human rights violation charges, 5 stateattorneys general are suing over new Title IXprotections for transgender students, and Matt Gaetzis facing a last-minute primary challenger.

Make sure to subscribe and join Margaret weekdays as she dishes today's top headlines from The Hill.

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