Dr. Daniele Ganser: Afghanistan 2001, an illegal war (Dresden 1.11.2016)(english subtitles)

10 months ago

Swiss historian and peace researcher Dr. Daniele Ganser spoke in Dresden on November 1, 2016 about the 2001 attack on Afghanistan, which he classifies as illegal. Ganser relies on the UN prohibition of violence, which clearly prohibits wars since 1945 and says: All UN members refrain from any threat or use of force in their international relations. In his lecture, Ganser shows that the attack on Afghanistan was justified by reference to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. However, this is not permissible because these terrorist attacks, and especially the collapse of WTC7, are not clarified. Nevertheless, the Bundestag in Berlin narrowly agreed on November 16, 2001 to the war against Afghanistan with 336 yes votes against 326 no votes and sent the Bundeswehr to the Hindu Kush. Ganser points out that wars are often started by lies and cites the British and American attack on Iraq in 2003 as an example, which was justified by the ABC lie and clearly violated the UN prohibition of violence. Ganser also explains in the lecture that the bombing of Syria by the USA from 2014 onwards was a violation of the UN prohibition of violence.

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