What is the `west` and Israel doing...?

9 months ago

In all the rich symbolism of Ancient Craft Masonry, two symbols, or symbolic themes, predominate. One is the search for light; the other is the labor of building. According to the Top Levels of Masonry, the source of Light is Lucifer, and the grand representation of the builder's art is King Solomon's Temple. This is why the State of Israel was created, to rebuild and get ownership of the Temple. Albert Mackey explains: "To the Master Mason, the Temple of Solomon is truly the symbol of human life, it becomes a fit symbol of human life occupied in the search after Divine Truth. Since Freemasonry reverences Solomon's Temple so very much, and since this Temple holds such a pre-eminent position in all of Freemasonry, from its foundation to its very roof, is it much of a stretch to understand that Freemasons might fervently desire to re-build Solomon's Temple on the only place on earth it can possibly be built -- the Temple Mount in Jerusalem? Rothschild, began the Zionist Movement in 1896, funded the process through 1948 to get Israel re-established back in the land, and has owned the leadership of Israel up to the current day. To see the reality of this fact, you only need to examine Israel's flag, the most Satanic of all symbols, the hexagram. The Rothschilds were instrumental in raising up the Zionist Movement in 1896, in funding its activities, and then forcing the occultist leaders of Israel in 1948 to adopt the hexagram as their national symbol.
The “Star of David” was adopted by the First Zionist Congress (in 1897) as a symbol, and it is seen on the flags of the Zionist Organization and of the State of Israel. The Rothschilds planned and funded Zionism and forced the issue of Israel coming back to her land in 1948. The same families who own and control the Federal Reserve and other major financial institutions have their eyes set on the Temple Mount, and the City of Jerusalem. It is interesting that Hindu altars are adjoining the grounds of the Supreme Court Building. Hinduism is one of the great polytheistic religions on earth. Many Illuminist symbols are copied from Hinduism. The gods and goddesses of Hinduism are worshipped by the Illuminati. One of their favorite goddesses is Kali, the black goddess of war and violence. This is why Israel , with the help of the USA, UK and EU are obsessed with murdering women and children, they`re worshipping their `god`. All the leaders of the so called `west` and Israel are involved in Freemasonry and Dark Rituals. The killing isn`t going to stop, they will actually ramp it up more and more. Israel and the USA are always waging war on nations worldwide. Israel and the USA worship dark gods, and these gods need blood and war. The USA even murdered their own in 9/11. What the Israeli-zionist government is doing in Palestine , is a sort of Blood sacrifice to their god, slaughtering women and children on a daily basis. Whenever the Rothschild's have their filthy lucre involved, you may expect they are using that money to advance their favorite cause of their Antichrist arising to take control of the world in perfect fulfillment of the Masonic plan. The pyramid on the American One Dollar Bill is unfinished because the New World Order -- Kingdom of Antichrist -- is an unfinished work. America has been gradually moving the nations of the world into making the changes necessary to set the global stage for their Antichrist to arise. However, this pyramid atop the Israeli Supreme Court is fully finished, meaning that the Great Work, in Israel is now finished. This very important building within Jerusalem now contains the message that the work is essentially finished! Once the work is finished, Lucifer will come down to live within his finished work; thus, the dot representing the All-Seeing Eye has come down within the pyramid. Israel and the USA were behind the entire Covid 19 scam. The U.S. Government, Not Pfizer or Moderna, First Envisioned mRNA Technology back in 2012, DARPA began investing in gene-encoded vaccines.
So, the military came up with the idea of messenger RNA vaccines, not Pfizer or Moderna - not operation warp speed. The CIA and DARPA played the leading role. It was part of the plan to takeover the entire world. The Goats Head of Mendes Pentagram, encompassed in the `Star of David`, since it is a 5-pointed star; which occultists believe the number 5 is the number for Death. The "Death" the Illuminati has in mind is the death of the Old World Order, and its complete destruction, called `The Great Reset` by Klaus Schwab, so the New World Order can be erected. Another "death" in the plans of the Illuminati is the forced and rapid reduction of the population of the world from its 8 billion now to only 2 billion, a reduction of 66%. Enter Bill Gates, the frontman for the illuminati, and the introduction of the Injection. The injection has already killed millions worldwide, and Netanyahu boasted that Israel was the most injected in the World. As I said in my previous post, we are at stage 2. The End of stage 2 will coincide with the coming of their `god` as the bible states in 2 Thessalonians 2:9
"Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders."
I believe Israel and the `west` will keep blood sacrificing until their `god` appears. This will be part of stage 2, at the same time the leaders of the so called `west` will become more and more tyrannical and stamp on their citizens rights more and more. So when their `god` appears the world will be crying out to be delivered from the tyranny and the USA and Israel will be attacking more and more countries. I believe stage 2 will end around 2025.

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