Zakir Shokat Raza Shokat 2024 | Toheed Ka Lehja | Jo Bhi Ali Ko Chor De Usko Zaleel Ker

10 months ago

Must Listen: Zakir Shokat Raza Shokat 2024 delivers an electrifying performance with "Toheed Ka Lehja", a mesmerizing poetry piece highlighting the virtues and magnificence of Hazrat Ali (AS), the Lion of Allah.

🌟 Dive into the profound depths of spirituality and devotion as Zakir Shokat Raza Shokat encapsulates the essence of Fazail e Mola Ali (AS) through his soul-stirring verses.

💫 Feel the reverence and love for the revered figure of Islam, Ali ibn Abi Talib (AS), as every word resonates with admiration and respect for his unparalleled character and contributions.

👉 Don't miss this captivating rendition that celebrates the legacy and greatness of Hazrat Ali (AS) – a source of inspiration for millions worldwide.

🎥 Subscribe now and stay tuned for more enlightening performances and enriching content from Zakir Shokat Raza Shokat.
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