Antelope Escapes Crocodile & Lioness Attacks | World Wild Web

9 months ago

A brave antelope survived a crocodile attack before charging headfirst at a hunting lioness.

Tane Bailey was on safari in Mkuze Game Park, South Africa, when a lioness crawled past his jeep stalking a nearby nyala.

Dramatic footage shows the predator sprint towards its prey, only for the nyala to seek safety in a nearby lake, only to alert crocodiles resting in the water.

Having leaped into the air to avoid the snapping jaws of a crocodile, the nyala then ran at the waiting lioness with its antlers, eventually chasing it away and saving its life.

Tane said: “As it unfolded, I was definitely rooting for the nyala, overcoming what were seemingly impossible odds.

“It really was the definition of being between a rock and a hard place. Ultimately I was happy to see the nyala get away.

“Once the lioness noticed the nyala, she waited for her moment and began to chase. The nyala ran into the water to escape the lioness.

“As it hit the water, the crocodiles reacted immediately. As the crocs neared the nyala, they submerged and travelled the last 15m or so under water.

“As they attacked, the nyala escaped, but not unscathed. They had injured the nyala's back left leg.

“This is when the nyala began its 'posturing' - trying to look as large as possible - making every attempt to not let the Lioness see that it was injured.

“After about 15 minutes, the lioness gave up, letting the nyala survive for another day.”

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