Today...We look at another CBD product from the website of VaHi

8 months ago

After years as a professional Chef, Renee Kelly, founder of Vahi, set out to make a real difference in the lives of women. Her vision was create sensual products that ignite the power and elegance of women and connects couples on a higher level.
The following list accurately reflects the disclosures and policies of growers and grocery retailers on selling produce treated with Apeel's Edipeel (used on conventional produce) and Organipeel (used on organic produce) food coatings. To date, Apeel's coatings have only been commercially applied on apples, cucumbers, avocados, asparagus, limes, lemons, grapefruits, mandarins, mangoes, and oranges. The coating is odorless, tasteless, and clear, so there is no way to tell when it is used. The vast majority of grocery store produce is not treated with Apeel. To remove as much Apeel as possible, use vinegar or baking soda (not both) and a produce brush or cotton/hemp towel to scrub the produce.

Millions are beating type 2 diabetes with keto diets and intermittent fasting—no pills needed, just smarter eating! But finding real expert advice has gotten tougher due to corporate interference in science and Big Tech censorship.General Mills was caught funding a literature review where the authors attempted to downplay the overwhelming scientific proof that low-carb diets are beneficial people with impaired glucose metabolism by awkwardly insisting that “the evidence … is relatively weak” and “[a]dditional and rigorous research … is needed.”

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) revealed in an announcement Thursday that traces of the bird flu virus have been detected in one out of five pasteurized milk samples, shedding light on the extent of contamination within the milk supply.

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