West Milton Council Workshop Meeting April 23, 2024

10 months ago

West Milton Council Workshop Meeting April 23, 2024

Meeting minutes are posted at https://www.westmiltonohio.gov

Apology: This is a low quality citizen video because the Village Municipal Mayor Scott Hurst called for a Public Access Media blackout.

1. Proposed Legislation for Vacant Building Registration
2. School Area Traffic Study
3. The Alternative Tax Document Format of the Ohio Revised Code
4. Residential Curb Replacement – 2nd letter update
5. Bid Award- Truck Upfitting
6. Consider Re-establishing the Park Board
7. Modify Council meeting start time
8. Old Business
* A. Planning Board Vacancy (Ethan Herron, Ben Herron's son appointed to the position)
9. West Milton residents ask the Manager, Mayor and council why they aren't grandfathered in with their RV and or recreational trailer over 30ft and why it seems arbitrary compared to a unit just a shade under 30 ft. Asking why they feel targeted.
10. New Business
11. Go into Regular Session
12. Go into Executive Session
13. Appointment of Planning Board member
14. Exit Regular Session
15. Adjournment

Mayor: Scott Hurst
Vice Mayor: Chris Horn
Village Manager: Jeffrey Sheridan
Chair Council: Don Dorman
Council-member: Sarah Gregory
Council-member: Kasey Metz / Vagedes
Council-member: Robert Cox
Council-member: Scott Fogle
Legal Council - Ms. L. Brosch (absent)
Street Maintenance Supervisor: Ben Herron

Union Township: Dennis L. Albaugh; V.P.
Dr. Brad Ritchey, and the Board of Education
School Board, https://www.muschools.com/page/board-members Justin Cress, Linda Hinkelman
West Milton, Ohio council has a Workshop meeting every 4th Tuesday of every month, 7:30pm.

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