God said, "Get This Settled!"—Men and Women Regaining Power Through Unity

8 months ago

When I asked God what Paul meant regarding the head of woman, the head of man, and the head of Christ is God, He made this statement to me: "It's about the impossibility to exist separate from the Creator!" What Paul wrote about "heads" is extensive, but I never knew Paul (or the Holy Spirit) to promote division and strife. He wrote in Galatians 3:28 that there is neither male nor female in Christ nor nationality or race. A great healing needs to take place in the church. Women need to be free to obey God as well as men. Satan has effectively twisted Paul's words to bring division, strife, and silencing of 50% of the body of Christ in some denominations. We need a fully functioning powerful church in these last days. Let's let go of false ideas and move into the liberty of the Spirit! Watch Annette Capps continue her series teaching from the Apostle Paul’s letters to Timothy in this week's staff Chapel service recorded on Monday, February 12th, 2024.

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