Get Your Health Back After A Tubal Ligation with Guest Marisa Ramsier

10 months ago

After her fourth child, Marisa noticed an increase in hormonal symptoms that weren’t allowing her to show up for her family in the way she wanted. After seeing several physicians, she was discouraged and felt that their “band-aid” approach was not treating the underlying symptoms.
Upon reading an article about tubal ligations, Marisa came to the realization that her symptoms began to appear after the tubal ligation surgery she received after her fourth child was born. It all made sense.
She immediately booked a flight from North Carolina to Texas, where she visited the Hotze Health & Wellness Center to find the answers she was desperately seeking.
Find out what Marisa did to resolve her symptoms and get her health and life back! Watch now and subscribe to our podcasts at 
To receive a FREE copy of Dr. Hotze’s best-selling book, “Hormones, Health, and Happiness,” call 281-698-8698 and mention this podcast. Includes free shipping!

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