The Ethical Doctor – David v Goliath: Dr Charles Hoffe

5 months ago

Source: Description/Link: Dr Charles Hoffe (previous UK Column coverage here) is a highly experienced and much respected family doctor living in Lytton, British Columbia, Canada. Charles became a doctor because he felt a calling to help others; he is the doctor who listens to his patients and believes them. Whatever the time of the day or night, the community could rely on him to help them at their time of greatest need. But when Covid–19 arrived, his life turned upside down alarmingly rapidly.

Charles noticed his patients becoming ill after Covid–19 injections. Many faced permanent health problems and some died, but no-one appeared to know why. After inquiring further with colleagues, he was alarmed to find out that the colleagues whom he thought he could trust had reported him to the authorities for misinformation. What followed could not possibly be imagined.

The College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia posted a notice online announcing a citation (statement of accusation) against Dr Hoffe for:

Publishing statements on social media and other digital platforms that were misleading, incorrect or inflammatory about vaccinations, treatments and public measures relating to Covid–19.

He only found out about this when a journalist informed him.

Dr Charles Hoffe has lost everything, including his town, which was ravaged by fire. Then—already dispossessed by the fire, gagged, censored, discredited, shunned, bullied and wrongly accused—he also found out that his wife was to divorce him.

The pressure has taken its toll. Many others would have broken under the intense pressure, but Charles has refused to give up, and despite all odds he continues to fight for his patients and humanity. A man of great faith and a devout Christian, Charles has had very welcome support from his community and from others who share his faith and belief.

Currently, Charles is facing a high-profile investigation by his professional body. Faced with mounting legal costs, Charles needs the public’s help to enable him to carry on. Shockingly, we learn that he has to pay his professional body’s legal fees, too. Charles describes his fight for justice. Will his eight expert witnesses, all acting pro bono, even be allowed to give evidence? What happens next?

Good Samaritans like Dr Charles Hoffe are rare. We, the public, must support them as much as we can. As you watch his interview, please remember that he is still opening the door to his patients, he is still providing a vital service and his hand is always ready to hold yours, unconditionally. Please share this interview widely and please help if you can. Thank you.

Donations are welcome to the Dr Charles Hoffe Legal Defence Fund.

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