Joe Biden's claims all cases of voter fraud refused by courts.

10 months ago

In this binary fact check we explore Joe Biden's claim that not a single case of voter fraud was ever taken up by the courts based on evidence. In order for that to be true that would mean no court ever accepted any case of voter fraud and they were all therefore had to have been dismissed due to lack of evidence. This is a claim repeated by legacy media and on social media alike.

Binary fact checking is simple. Where other fact checks look into several different aspects of a situation, incident, speech, event, or so on, we take things item by item to see where the facts are. Taking a grand sweeping overview and forming an opinion is not checking the facts. Originally fact checkers were involved in journalism to do just this. They checked the facts before publishing because there were consequences for printing false stories. The safeguards were removed several years ago leading to spin replacing facts. Our intention is to return to actual fact checking. We check the facts so the viewer, or reader, can make form an opinion based upon the facts.

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