TPUSA chapter student at the U of Washington waves Israeli Flag at Hams Supporters

10 months ago

SOURCE: @charliekirk11 (CHarlie Kirk) Apr 29, 2024

"One of our TPUSA chapter students at the University of Washington was just physically assaulted by "protesters" who have set up a pro-Gaza encampment. The assault happened some time after this video was taken.

His offense? Holding an Israeli flag walking in solidarity with his Jewish friends. This student is a Japanese immigrant who is in the process of becoming a citizen. He did not provoke. He did not shout at them. He was not aggressive in any way.

He has filed a police report and will be pressing charges immediately.

This is why these illegal encampents must be dealt with swiftly. They are breeding grounds of chaos and vilence."

SOURCE: @charliekirk11 (CHarlie Kirk) Apr 29, 2024

"UPDATE: We got a word from the student that police are taking the case on as harassment charge instead of an assault charge because they actually take harassment more seriously. Good for him."

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