Humza Yousaf resigns. - The Word Cloud Tarot Show - 30 Apr 2024

5 months ago

Today is Tuesday the 30th of April and yesterday, the
first minister of Scotland's parliament resigned!

What happened? Why? does a five minute tarot reading to investigate.

He finds the original coalition agreement
between the Greens and the Nats was _informed_.

The deal promised economic gain to fund ecological targets.

But the real world,
and England's control of Scottish law,
made those targets impossible.

The targets were diluted down so much
that the greens had to quit the coalition.

Now some _wealthy_ _activist_ _economist_ will take over.
Strongly suggested female, so maybe Kate Forbes.


Welcome friends to the wordcloud tarot show,
direct from the Tarotdrome here in cyber-space
in front of an audience of tarot cartoons!

Today is Tuesday the 30th of April and yesterday,
the first minister of Scotland's parliament resigned!

Lets do a five minute tarot reading to find out what happened.

We'll use this, the word cloud tarot happy toast
deck. Each card has a drawing by the amazing Happy
Toast, plus the meaning of the card is written
onto each card itself in a word-cloud.

This makes our reading very transparent,
you can see that the cards mean what we
say they mean.

Today we'll do a five card cross, so lets go!

### Past - 14 Of Cups, King

The card for Past is the King of Cups!

Something _mild_ _humble_ and _intellectual_.

The original power-sharing agreement.
It was between the Nats and the Greens.

It's a _gracious_ _compassionate_ _cultural_
agreement such as a _informed_ _personable_
_courteous_ _advisor_ or _counsellor_ might recommend.

A _generous_ _faithful_ _thoughtful_ agreement.

### External Influence - 6 Of Pentacles, Success

In the External slot we have the six of pentacles.

The external agreement defined the terms of _success_.

A well managed _economy_ with good _investment_
_bringing_ _money_, _improving_ _prosperity_.

These _gains_ let government show
_magnanimity_, _munificence_ and _altruism_.
There can be _charity_ and _compassion_ ,
allowing _flourishing_ _liberty_ and
saying _thanks_ by _sharing_ _wealth_.

_liberal_ _commodity_ _economics_ brings
_riches_ to be spent on environmental targets
_beneficence_ and _wellbeing_ .

### Hidden Influence - 8 Of Trumps, Strength

The card for Hidden Influence is - 8 Of Trumps

There's a hidden _force_
that has _strength_ and _control_ over Scotland.

Likely England, or just basic global economic factors.

The _willingness_ to _sacrifice_ ,
however _sure_ your _belief_ ,
however _brave_ your _patriotism_ ,
always meets the _systems_ of real-life _power_ ,
limited _supply_ , _energy_ constraints.

Those _desired_ _expectations_, the targets,
could not be met.

### Present - 14 Of Trumps, Temperence

The card for Present is - 14 Of Trumps

Those hidden powers force _temperance_ on the nation.
To _maintain_ _stability_, it _controls_ and _moderates_.
Pushing _restraint_ onto those ambitious targets.

Under _conflict_ from foreign forces,
Scotland is _tempered_,
and can't meet it's _objectives_.

And Scotland announced as much.

It broke the _harmony_ of the _synthesis_,
the _balance_ of _unity_.

The greens left.

The power-sharing agreement collapsed.

### Outcome - 13 Of Pentacles, Queen

The card for Outcome is - 13 Of Pentacles, Queen

I confess I don't know much about the candidates,
but the cards suggest a _sophisticated_
_wealthy_ _environmental_ _activist_ ,
a _powerful_ _leader_ and _businesswoman_
with good _economic_ and _ecosystem_ knowledge.

It's a strongly female card, even among the queens,
but I don't really know Kate Forbes well enough to
say if that's what she's like.

Perhaps that describes John Swinney or Neil Gray or someone else better?

But the new leader will be a wealthy activist economist.

### Summary

So in summary,
the original coalition agreement between the Greens and the Nats was _informed_.

The deal promised economic gain to fund ecological targets.

But the real world, and England's control of Scottish law, made those targets impossible.

The targets were diluted down so much that the greens had to quit the coalition.

Now some _wealthy_ _activist_ _economist_ will take over.

Strongly suggested female, so maybe Kate Forbes.

### End

That's what the cards tell me anyway.

You can get a deck to see what the cards tell you
from wordcloud tarot dot com

There you can also join the mail-list to be notified
of new episodes, or you can follow us on fedi
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Or we also cross-post to the horrible private
financial extraction machines at youtube, tiktok
and Rumble.

Thanks for watching,
if you thought this was fun or good or true or weird,
tell a friend, they almost surely haven't seen it.

Now you know what's up with Humza Yousaf's resigning,
so till next time, farewell.

### Next time:

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