Why Russell Brand Finding God is Different Than Other Awakenings

10 months ago

Russell Brand has recently been baptized and become a full on Christian in the midst of his ongoing investigation. The allegations are so laughably false you would be forgiven if you forgot what was claimed in October 2023, but we have seen many people seek the comfort of a new found religion as a means to get out of jail free. Nala Ray, the OnlyFans girl who is an overnight Christian has been embraced by believers without a second thought. But why is Brand met with skepticism of his faith? His conversion is different, that's for sure, in that it is genuine and here's why!

Daily Mail: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13363759/Russell-Brand-reveals-hes-baptised-Thames-turns-Christianity-rape-sex-assault-allegations-Disgraced-comic-claims-feels-nourished-baptism.html

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#RussellBrand #NalaRay #Christianity #Religion #Baptism #Scandal #Allegations #MeToo

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