Father And Son Explode Watermelon

6 years ago

Watermelons are wonderful and delicious. One of the best parts of summer is biting into a cool watermelon slice on a hot day, getting refreshed and reinvigorated in one glorious instance. But what if I told you not everyone’s idea of “watermelon fun” involves eating them? What if I told you… people like to destroy watermelons just to watch them explode? Are you prepared for the truth bomb I’m about to drop?

A father and son wrap rubber band after rubber band around a watermelon. This is NOT going to end well…

I’m no prude; I get the attraction of blowing up stuff, and totally understand that watermelons look really cool when they explode. I just can’t get over not eating it. They’re so good! Just watching this I want a slice of watermelon RIGHT NOW.

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