Thug Who Beat Teacher Unconcious Because She Took His Nintendo Is Suing The School, Blaming Them…

9 months ago

The Giant High School Thug Who Beat A Teacher Unconcious Because She Took His Nintendo In Class Is Now Suing The School, Blaming Them For The Attack — The high school student who beat his teacher unconscious for taking his Nintendo Switch is suing the school district, blaming them for the attack. Lawyers for Brendan Depa, a 6 foot 6, 270-pound teen, say the school district is responsible for ruining Depa’s life. “The district should be held to account for its failures which have forever changed the trajectory of this young man’s life,” they argued. The lawyers said that the special needs program should have known that taking electronics from Depa was a ‘trigger.’ The teacher whom Depa assaulted suffered broken ribs and a concussion. Depa is facing 30 years in prison and is set to be sentenced on May 1.

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